Film Reviews

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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Amitabh Bachchan operated and out of danger

Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan, who was admitted to Lilavati hospital on Monday, November 28, 2005, underwent an operation on Wednesday night in the same hospital. The surgery lasted for two hours treating diverticulitis, which is the growth of infected, hollow pockets in the large intestine. About four inches of the small intestine of the actor was removed.

The operation was very much a success and the doctors state that Big B is in a stable condition. Although, the actor is completely out of any sort of danger, doctors advised him complete bed-rest in the hospital itself for about ten more days and prohibited him from working until the beginning of the New Year. “It should take him roughly a month to recover completely. About ten days in the hospital and another ten to fifteen days at home,” said Dr. Agarwal, who operated Mr. Bachchan.

Sources say that the Bachchan family had requested the hospital not to disclose any information about Mr. Bachchan’s health. It was first said that he would be discharged on Wednesday evening, therefore, no one was expecting the operation. Fans are praying for Big B’s speedy recovery and so are we.